So my lovely wife let me go for another night fishing session with the NAA. I decided on Collins as there seems to be plenty of 20's available and my PB is still a lowly 14 lb 6 oz. I got dropped off on Monday morning and made my way with all my kit to Collins Lake. I made a circuit of the lake but didn't see any fish and the corner I would have prefered due to the wind conditions already had two anglers in it so I opted for the peg with no number that I could see but it has a memorial bench for "Tonka".

Around 7pm I had re-spodded the spot off the island and I decided to leave it for a couple of hours to settle. Whilst I waited I wandered off to one of the corners off Collins and used some lures for a bit of predator fishing. After and hour or so and no fish I went back to my swim.
I spodded another five times then cast out my snowman set up again and got into bed about 10pm. Alas apart from the odd liner I had no action and neither did anyone else on the lake. 4:30am I was awake and seeing still nothing showing I decided to pack up my gear and go to Knotts lake next to Collins and predator fish for a few hours until my wife came to pick me up.