Sunday, 29 July 2012

Striking While The Iron Is Hot...

So yesterday was our first proper session and we both really enjoyed it.  After seeing the weather due for this afternoon I didn't think we would be going again so soon but after breakfast Aoibheann asked if we could go fishing again?  So why not we still had the maggots in the fridge and half the ground bait left so we rushed upstairs to get changed and by 9:30 ish we were off back to the NAA lakes.

 This time we went for a walk around Warwick's Water first Aoibheann liked peg 8 but after the success we had on Alders I wanted to go back.  Unfortunately there was a chap on the same swim we had yesterday.  So we settled in on peg 1.

Much harder going today in terms of bites.  We had two in the keep net by the end of the 2 hour session.  One Perch and one roach.  We had another couple on the hook but they fell off before we could land them :(.

On the bright side we did manage to miss any rain!  My wife is in hospital Tuesday to have her tonsils out so I have taken the tuesday to friday off of work if the weather is ok and the wife is up to looking after the younger two Aoibheann and I might be able to get in a cheeky midweek session.  This time it will be Warwick's Water.

Blog later..

Saturday, 28 July 2012

First Proper Session With My Daugther

So the weekend finally arrived and we have done everything necessary to get out fishing.  With licenses, tackle and bait in tow Aoibheann and I headed down to Rawlings Retreat to fish Alders Lake.  Now I have never fished Alders before so with me carrying all the gear we started clockwise from the car park entrance.

With the wind blowing across the lake into the south bank I thought it best to go with the wind so off to the south side we went.  The picture on the right shows the swim we ended up setting up in.

So first things first I had my little fisher woman start mixing up the ground bait.  We were using dynamite baits silver x, Van Den Eynde red mix and the Liquid Worm.  We started by adding half of the two ground baits into a mixing bowl then in another bait box I retrieve some lake water and into that added a dose of the liquid worm and gave it a stir.  Once the ground bait was thoroughly mixed we added the water slowly to get the right consistency which should be to be able to squeeze it into a ball but the break it up easily.  We then made up a couple of big balls ready to go in.
I then set up the pole that Aoibheann and I would be using.  The lake at alders is very shallow at the peg to be safe for children so we were fishing approximately 3 meters out.  I plumbed the depth and set up the hook bait to be about 1.8 meters from the surface which would sit the bait on the bottom of the lake.

So I showed Aoibheann how to pass out the pole which she did and I took the opportunity to take the pic to the right.

It didn't take long until the swim was alive with Roach and Perch with seemed to be the order of the day.  You can see from the picture to the left Aoibheann is trying to bring in a small Roach.

 We caught about 20 fish in total that weighed in at a massive 0.88Kg or 1.9lbs.  Aoibheann is holding the biggest perch she caught which was 50g or 2oz

The last two pictures show the final haul and the biggest Roach and Perch.  I caught most of them but she helped land the "big" ones lol.
 The big highlight though to my day was that Aoibheann loved it :).

Blog Later......

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Permits Arrive

Permits have arrived for the Newbury Angling Association today :).  Well for Aoibheann at least my application goes to the committee meeting in August but I am able to fish using the letter they have supplied until hopefully approved.

So now we have permission to fish I am planning on taking her at the weekend.  She is really excited about going.  I have told her we'll pop down to Experience Fishing and grab some maggots and pellets in the morning before we go then pop home and have some lunch then head off when her little brother and sister have their afternoon naps.

The plan is to try to catch small silverfish so Perch, Roach, Rudd etc.  The NAA have a few lakes which should be perfect for this either Warwicks or Alders.  I'll choose when we get there.

Ground Bait
I have already bought some ground bait aimed at the species we will be trying to catch.  I also have some liquid attractant (worm) which I'll add to the lake water before I add it to the ground bait just to hopefully give the swim a bit of a kick start.  As you can see from the photo I also have Hemp infused with Chilli.  Hopefully this should do the trick along with the hook bait.

Blog later...

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

NAA Junior Teach-in Day at Alders Lake 18th August

Hi Again I have signed Aoibheann up to the NAA and Environment Agency joint Teach-in day on the 18th August.  It is a free event no need for any kit or even a rod license!  If you would like to attend you can sign up here

The flyer for the event is shown to the right.  I contacted the EA to ask if Aoibheann would be too young but they said it would be fine so we are all booked to attend on the 18th August.  Alders Lake is at the Rawlings Retreat section of the NAA lakes behind the Thatcham Natuere Reserve.  I believe there is a toilet there also so it will be easier on the kids although we have one of those fold up portable toilets which I will take just in case there's a queue.

I just hope this weather holds who knows in the good old UK?  Hopefully Aoibheann and I will be able to get out to Alders before the event.

Blog later.....

Getting ready to go fishing paperwork, paperwork, paperwork

Hi and welcome to my blog.  In this blog I will be talking about my family and our fishing experiences.  We are a family of five.  My beautiful wife kirsty who is my everything, My daughter Aoibheann  (pronounced Eve-Ann) 3, My daughter Kahlan (Kay-lan) 1 and my son Parker 4 months.  I am in the process of getting all the necessary bits and bobs ready to take my eldest daughter fishing for her second time.  She is going to be four in October.  You probably think I am crazy taking a three year old fishing but for me as long as I have the right mindset it should be fine.  I just need to remember that each time we go I may be there for only an hour.  The key thing for the next few weeks is going to be making sure Aoibheann has a good time.

The first time I took Aoibheann fishing was back in March and to be honest it was a bit of a mistake it was way to cold for her although she still had a good time even though Daddy forgot the chairs :) so we had to sit on a log lol.  We didn't have a bite or even see any fish but she liked being out in nature.

For the next trip I have started the process of rejoining the local angling association which for us is the Newbury Angling Association.  My wife and I used to be members years ago and they have a good selection of silverfish and carp lakes as well as stretches of various river/canal banks around Newbury.

My daughter and I had an entertaining time when I went to the local Tescos to have my photo Id's taken and I paid for some extra ones of me and her :).

I heard back from the NAA club secretary confirming that I would need a photo Id for Aoibheann for her as well so back to Tescos we went and had some more pictures taken of Aoibheann.

So at this stage I have secured my Rod License and we are just waiting for the NAA memberships to come through.  Whilst waiting on these we have popped into the new Angling Superstore in Newbury Experience Fishing.  I have to say the chaps in there are really friendly one of the chaps even let Aoibheann sit in one of the bivvies watching Peppa Pig on his Ipad whilst I could look around :).  This was probably to their detriment as she wanted me to buy one of everything lol.  I got a few bits from the shop and we headed home.

I have ordered a few bits online from Angling Direct unfortunately the pole I ordered for her and myself was out of stock but should be back in stock in a few days.  I bought the Middy White Knuckle Whip for us both which to start with she'll only use the top sections.  I think with her being so young a rod and reel might prove a bit problematic.

Hoepfully within the next week or two I will take her fishing.  I am hoping our passes for the NAA come through and I will take her on the weekend.  I am going to take her to Alders Lake at the NAA behind the nature Reserve in Thatchum which is a silverfish lake.

Once we know when we are going I will knock up some ground bait at home with her ready for the trip.  I will make sure she has some binoculars and other bits to help keep her occupied if we struggle to catch anything.

Currently I am looking for some way to keep track of her fishing history I was thinking some kind of database but I may just blog it on her behalf or knowing me probably both :). 

I will post an update soon..